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Travel by Air

There are two airports close to Brussels city; Brussels / Zaventem airport (12 km away) and Charleroi (55 km away). You can travel between these airports and the city centre by train, bus, taxi and car.

A train goes from Brussels Zaventem Airport to Brussels Central Station every 10 minutes between 5am and midnight, 7 days a week. The ride takes 18 minutes and costs €12,70. For train times, check the journey planner or via the SNCB app. Tickets can be bought online or at the railway station from the ticket machies or ticket office. 

The Airport Line is a public Brussels airport bus that takes you from Brussels Zaventem to the European district of Luxemburg and to the city centre. There are two buses: Line 12 and Line 21. Line 12 (operates Mon-Fri until 8pm) and only travels to main stations - the only metro stop is Schuman (EU Headquarters) and the last stop is Luxemburg station. Line 21 (operates after 8pm on weekdays and on weekends) has many more stops and ends at Hertog/Ducale, the metro stops are Schuman and Trone. 

The last stop is close to the city just outside the Royal Palace - 10 minutes' walk from Brussels Centrale. 

The most convenient method to travel from Charleroi Airport to Brussels city centre is by shuttle bus or train. 

You can easily connect to Brussels South Charleroi Airport from any Belgian railway station. If you select "Charleroi South Airport" as the departure or destination station, you will receive a combined Train + Bus ticket, click here for online tickets. With this ticket you can travel to Charleroi-South station by train, then take one of the many buses on Line A, which provides a direct link between the station and the airport terminal and takes just a few minutes. The ticket price includes the train and the bus transfer. A quick, efficient and great-value way to get your journey off to a flying start.

There is a shuttle bus service from Brussels (Brussels-midi station) to Chareloi Airport and vice versa. 
Their schedules are adapted to flight schedules. Shuttles circulate from 3:30 am and departures are organised every 30 minutes. More information about Flibco schedules and rates.