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Travel by Train

The Brussels railways run from the north to the south of the city and link to train routes all over Europe, especially the Netherlands, Germany, UK and France. From the Brussels-Midi station you can depart to many destinations in Europe by rail. The three main train stations in Brussels (Brussels Nord, Brussels Centrale and Brussels Midi) are on the same line from north to south. Most high-speed international trains leave from the south station and all intercity trains will pass through Brussels Centrale and Brussels Midi.

Train Stations in Brussels
The National railway company is called: Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges (SNCB)

There are five main stations serving the Brussels-Capital Region, all interlinked. For all information concerning passenger transport in Belgium and abroad, T (0)2 528 28 28

National traffic: 7 a.m. - 9.15 p.m.
International traffic and reservations, Eurostar; TGV, Thalys Info: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.; WE: 9 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.)

The main stations
• Central Station Carrefour de l'Europe 2 - 1000 Brussels
• South Station rue de France 2 - 1070 Brussels For London: Eurostar, For Paris: Thalys, For France: TGV
• North Station rue du Progrès 85 - 1210 Brussels For Amsterdam
• Luxembourg Station place du Luxembourg - 1040 Brussels For Luxembourg
• Schuman Station Rond-point Schuman - 1040 Brussels, Serves European institutions.

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