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ESNO Congress 2024
5-7 June 2024, Milan, Italy

"The Specialist Nurse in European Healthcare towards 2030"
Nursing and clinical evidence: which future developments

The central characters of the ESNO congresses are that they are building further on each other towards the affirmation of specialism in nursing in all European countries and also at a broader level. ESNO started this sequence of congresses in 2019 as a three-year series around one title: "The Specialist Nurse in European Healthcare towards 2030".

All the events, to date, took place in Brussels and due to the pandemic, two were online. From this year we begin a series of yearly congresses to be launched in different European venues to widespread the “Decade of the specialist Nurse 2020-2030. Furthermore, this event will initiate a series of further activities to be held in Brussels and in the EU to contribute to further development of nursing specializations.

Collaboration with other health professionals, regulators and those responsive for policy, is a crucial element in the ESNO congresses. Today’s challenges in health are too great to operate in silos. In this regard, the 5th ESNO congress will be focused on the commitment towards the development of the different forms of nursing specialism in clinical practice via scalable projects, sustained by an adequate formation, focused on strengthening caring abilities in a specific sector or a clinical area, correlated with the identification of care needs and to the evaluation of caring acts and outcomes.

In this conceptual framework, this 5th ESNO congress will represent a moment of reflection on the clinical expert knowledge of nurses to put in practice for the development of clinical nursing fields. These fields include cardiovascular nursing, diabetes, dialysis, endoscopy and gastroenterology, emergency and critical care, medical and surgical care, leadership, mental health and addiction; nursing in anesthesia, operating room nursing, pediatric care, public health and primary care, respiratory care, urology nursing, veterinary nursing, wound care and other specialistic areas that can be foreseen in the redefinition of the citizens offer and that are inescapable to strengthen and renew care focused on the public.              

Specific aims 

  • To analyze the development of the different forms of nursing specialism in clinical practice in the European Union.
  • To describe the impact of nursing specialism to strengthen the care of people with chronic diseases and/or linked to disability, vulnerability, and frailty.
  • To present studies that have impacted on the change of clinical practice at the international level.

On behalf of the ESNO board,
President Adriano Friganovic


Conference news

Recap Congress Milan

Recap Congress Milan

ESNO 2024 has been a success, see here the documentation from the congress! 

ESNO EU in Parliament

ESNO EU in Parliament


ESNO Congress 2024

ESNO Congress 2024

The next ESNO Congress 2024 will take on 6-7 June 2024 in Milan, Italy! 

"The Specialist Nurse in European Healthcare towards 2030"
Nursing and clinical evidence: which future developments